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  • RoseTinted Financial

What kind of spender are you?

I’ve been asking people about what they say to themselves before spending on things that are not necessities. Here is the range of answers I got:

‘I’ve saved for it’

'Everything around me is so (use your imagination) dull’ (said with a big smile)

‘I spend more going shopping than online shopping’

‘I make enough money now’

‘I’ve worked hard for it’

Which reason do you relate to the most? My main one that I still have to control now is ‘I make enough money now’. So here’s some tips that friends, podcasts, books have helped me realise that I needed to be become what I call, a questioning spender.

A questioning spender is exactly what the name suggests. It is about questioning the things you buy and getting rid of the feelings of guilt and regret after a purchase. It’s a process and it begins with stopping to think for 10 seconds before you put each item in the physical or virtual basket asking yourself

Do I need this item? If so what for? This question only works if you are honest with yourself.

v Do I have anything similar to it already? Go look where you need to to confirm.

v Have I searched for a cheaper alternative? This question I have to thank my friend for because I do this constantly now because socialising is key to our happiness also (I’m an extrovert) She downloaded an app called Vouchercloud and we went to eat where the kids ate for £1. Thanks that was a beautiful day to go in the memory😜

v Are there any events coming up this month that this spend could negatively influence? Is it your family member or friend’s birthday this month? Make sure you can go there and enjoy yourself without regret.

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