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  • RoseTinted Financial

Climb that mountain

Have you had a chance to consider what your life would look like if you were successful?

Would you be working in the same job?

•What skills, qualifications or experiences could you seek for your dream job?

What would your bank balance look like?

•How could you change your spending habits to increase savings?

Would you mornings start differently?

•Could you start setting your alarm twenty minutes earlier than normal?

Whatever change you choose to make, remember to enjoy the journey and be optimistic about your decision to commit to something new, regardless of the end result. Stay grateful for the life you currently have. When you are being disciplined, planning rewards for yourself is key to staying the course. The road may be rocky and full of twists and turns but you can get there :)

Weight loss

I gained four stone over a five-year period and in June 2018 I decided I wanted to lose it. I started simple, just taking strolls in the park with friends and pushing my daughter on her trike in the park. I still hadn’t changed my eating habits at this point.

In September 2018 I felt ready to sign up to my local gym and did twenty minutes per session for the first 3 months. This year, 2019, I have been taking park in local 5k park runs and have even climbed a mountain in Italy. That’s the amazing thing about when you make the decision to change, amazing things happen that you don’t see at the beginning.

This all took time and it was a long and sometimes painful process (mentally and physically). Unfortunately, life is not like the movies we don’t learn lessons and achieve our goals in two hours. Moral of this movie: any type of change takes time and commitment to a decision

Helpful Tips

v Choose one habit to focus on first and give it 6 months to see the results

v Rest & fun is key to being disciplined (budget/ plan for it email for a spreadsheet)

v Set daily or weekly goals on your spending habits

Look for events or days out that improve your mental or physical health, e.g. gym, adult inflatable zone. Money is well spent if it is improving you as a person

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