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  • RoseTinted Financial

Making a fresh start, don't delay

Hi there I see you wanting to pay off debt, save for a rainy day, book a holiday or just not have money as a constant worry! You may feel lost and have no idea where to start. I say just START. If you save £20 a month to begin with, next month it is £20 a month you did not have before you started saving. After a year this would be £240 in a savings account.

Too many people think ‘what’s the point in saving such a small amount’ for years and years and in that time if they had just STARTED they would have had something saved rather than a big pot of nothing. So don’t delay set up a savings account, once you have your account number and sort code set up a standing order either weekly or monthly from your main account with a small amount, to begin the process of being a saver. Think and say to yourself ‘I am a person who saves money’, everything links back to the thoughts and conversations we have with ourselves.

Actionable steps:

  • Start small, define your financial goals in the short term so what do you want to save this week, then this month and so on

  • Create an ideal and REALISTIC budget on what you would like to spend on a weekly or monthly basis (email for resources to suit your individual needs).

  • Set up a new account separate from your wages/income so you can keep your savings safe and avoid the temptation

  • Seek support if you are struggling to control your spending or just feel like you can’t start, send an email or DM to rosetinted_financial. Do not struggle on your own!

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