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  • RoseTinted Financial

I want to see progress in my life

So let’s begin by just thinking what progress is for you. What would your life look like if you were successful? If what you said linked to just material things you need to dig deeper, what would you look and FEEL like? It needs to be specific so you can be grateful on the steps you take to getting there. Think I get to, rather than I have to! Be grateful for your life :)

If you really are struggling to visualise it I ask that you take some time to rest, relax and think it over. Go somewhere beautiful if you need to, this could be abroad or 5 miles from your house. The most important part is that your mind is rested and free to imagine. On my journey from rags to head above water I have seen time and time again that to get clarity I had to stop the noise to clear my mind and only then was I able to sort my finances out.

It starts from the decision (Mel Robbins – inspirational, Google her!) to change the teeny tiny things. Once I had my daughter I felt I didn’t get enough time for myself, I made the decision to get up at 5.30am, I saw progress and gained more time and clarity than I could envision. Then a decision to just write about what I wanted to do that day, no essays just a few key tasks I wanted to achieve and I now complete at least 3 goals a day, go gym is often featured on there, prepare a home cooked healthy dinner.

Start small, JUST START. What small changes could you make that would improve your life? Do your habits, routines, behaviours suit the way you want your life to be?

Helpful Tips

  • When you get tired and disheartened it is a sign you need to rest not give up

  • Set daily or weekly goals on your spending and spending habits, e.g. do not stop at ASDA after work (I still write this now)

  • Withdraw cash when you go food or clothes shopping it’s psychologically easier to spend large amounts on card

  • Don’t shop when hungry or feeling down (I can confirm this one is true)

  • Prepare a shopping list and don’t be lured in by offers remember you are shopping for what you need, not random things that the retailers want us to buy

  • Look for events or days out that improve your mental or physical health, e.g. gym, hair salon etc. Money is well spent if it is improving YOU as a person

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