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  • RoseTinted Financial


When your eyes open first thing in the morning, take a moment to be thankful for another day to do something differently. You may have overspent last month but here you are today able to write a budget or cook meals at home all week. Take some time to reflect on the influences that had a negative affect on your spending or saving plans.

It may be that you didn’t have enough ‘me’ time. I think sometimes we just want to 'get through' the tasks we have. This seeps into tasks we should enjoy like a friend of mine mention how her evening meal became something she wanted to get through rather than enjoy. Expect that you WILL be motivated to do the mountain of washing so it's okay to put your feet up for an hour.

I think as women we are so so used to the roles we play that we forget that you must refuel to perform at the level you do consistently. Get up half an hour before the kids or work and put the kettle on, read or watch something you wanted to catch up on. Burnout is not fun do not push your body and mind until it cannot go on, plan rest breaks. Have a positive expectation that you will do better in this new season because you will monitor your emotions that can cause you to spend, spend, spend.

Actionable step: Write a meals list before you do your shopping, also do it on the weekend (or your days off) so you are in a present mind state. Plan a reward for yourself this month because you know you will act according to your intention.

Helpful Tips

v Define what you want to achieve financially and WHY (the why is key to keeping you disciplined)

v Set up direct debits/standing orders to make regular payments

v Create an ideal and REALISTIC budget on what you would like to spend on a monthly basis (email for a spreadsheet)

Create a savings account separate to your income where you save an affordable amount (the size doesn’t matter it will build up overtime - £10 a week is £520 in a year)

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